Towards a socially fair green transition!
When was the Paris Agreement signed?
What was the objective of the Paris Agreement?
How many countries have participated in the Paris Agreement?
When did the European Parliament declare a state of climate emergency?
What are the aims of the European Green Deal?
In what year were the commitments of the European Green Deal signed?
What are the commitments made in 2020 by the 27 members of the European Union in favor of the environment?
In 2021, the European Commission unveiled its legislative package, Fit For 55, what is its objective?
What is sustainable finance?
What activities does sustainable finance include?
What does ESG mean?
To implement the European Commission’s action plan on sustainable finance, how many regulations have been published?
What are the European regulations that have been published to define/govern and control the implementation of sustainable finance?
The 3 types of ESG criteria
Environmental criteria: waste management, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption, sustainable prevention of risks related to industrial disasters (oil spills, soil contamination, etc.)
Social criteria: respect for employees’ rights and social dialogue in management policy, parity and the number of disabled people, prevention of work-related accidents, staff training.
Governance Criteria: fight against corruption, respect for transparency in executive compensation, relations between shareholders, management and the board of directors.